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Approved Continuing Education (CE) Activities

The activities below are those that qualify as continuing education by the ESPCC. Questions? Email


1 CE hour for each hour of training. The content must be directly related to the Content Outline. Social hours and networking will not count toward CE credits.

Documentation required: Must show attendance/completion. Documentation should include your name, number of hours, date of conference, and clearly correlate information to Content Outline based on documentation. Registration alone is not sufficient documentation.


1 CE hour for each hour of training. The content must be directly related to the Content Outline.
Repeated trainings will not be eligible to submit for CE credits.

Documentation required: Must show attendance/completion. Documentation should include your name, number of hours, date of training, and clearly correlate information to Content Outline based on documentation. Registration alone is not sufficient documentation.


10 CE hours for a 3-credit course. The content must be directly related to the Content Outline.

Documentation required: Transcript or documentation from instructor. Documentation should include your name and the institution where you took the course. You must clearly show the link between course content and the Content Outline.


2 CE hours for each hour of teaching. Repeated trainings will not be counted. (Maximum 16 CE credits per 3-year cycle)

Documentation Required: Either a copy of the detailed course outline or copy of promotional information, showing connection to content outline and Employment. Documentation should include date, time, location of the event, and you listed as the presenter.


1 CE hour for each hour of training. Repeated trainings will not be counted. (Maximum 20 CE credits per 3-year cycle)

In-service trainings or trainings provided by your employer are those provided to employees at their workplace in connection with their work covering employment support professional related content. This also includes those trainings for which your supervisor is the verification of training.

Agency mandated CPR, first aid, HIPAA, driving courses, and other similar courses are often mandated by state agencies or employers; however, these courses are not accepted for continuing education credit because they are not specific to supporting employment. Although mandatory trainings and general disability trainings are valuable to the role of an ESP, they are not specific to employment. General disability-related training does not count toward recertification (i.e. Mental Health First Aid, nonemployment disability specific training).

Documentation Required: Must show attendance/completion. Documentation should include your name, number of hours, date of training, and title of training with information that clearly correlates to Content Outline. Documentation must be signed by the credential holder's supervisor or training provider.

Special Projects

Non ESPCC Special Projects:
10 CE credits for completion of 1 significant project.

A special project might be developing major policy initiatives, developing and implementing a new agency project, etc. These activities must be directly related to supported employment and fall outside the scope of normal completion of job duties. 

ESPCC Special Projects:
Item reviewing, exam reviewing, standard setting, job analysis, etc. are all special projects subject to CE credit by the ESPCC.
Documentation will be provided from the ESPCC.
Item Writing: Submission of at least 10 exam-quality items: 1 CE for each item accepted
Regardless of the number of items submitted, only the number of items accepted for use in the item bank will be counted for CE credit. Items must have reference listed when submitted to be considered.
Documentation will be provided from the ESPCC.

Proctor an exam: 3 CE credits for each exam, 1 CE for proctor training
Documentation will be provided from the ESPCC.


Publishing an article or success story regarding supported employment: 3 credits for each article
Publishing an article regarding supported employment in a peer-reviewed journal: 10 credits for each article
Publishing an article regarding supported employment in a peer-reviewed journal with original research: 20 credits for each article

Documentation Required: Copy of published article or research paper. Information submitted must reflect your name as the author/co-author and date of the publication.


A minimum of 1 year of service is required to qualify for credit. 10 CE credits for 1 year of service. (Maximum 10 CE credits per 3-year cycle) 

Can include unpaid service on the ESPCC or an ESPCC committee; a local, state, national, or professional board; state Commission; etc.

Documentation Required: Letter or certificate from the organization or the CESP’s supervisor verifying participation or involvement. Documentation must include your name and dates of service. You must clearly show the link between the activity and the Content Outline.

If you are considering submitting credits for Continuing Education (CE) that is not outlined above, please ensure that your documentation for each credit submitted meets the requirements for all CE credits.
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